Būdvietis Manor was founded in 1744. A barn and a chapel-mausoleum are the only buildings of the former Būdvietis Manor that have survived to this day. The two-storey barn that was built in 1803 has a rare architectural design. It is constructed of larch wood and is interesting due to its exterior and interior structures, which make it a unique building that represents Lithuanian folk architecture. The chapel-mausoleum was used as a church for the local gentlemen for many years.
Plačiau apie Būdviečio dvarą galite paskaityti straipsnyje "BŪDVIEČIO ISTORIJOS ĮVYKIŲ CHRONOLOGIJA". Atspausdinta leidinyje "Terra Jatwezenorum" kn. 7, p.520- 535. (Punskas, 2015)